6 Common Myth Busters About Transitioning Your New Born Baby From Breastmilk To Formula

As parents, we’ve all been there: what should I feed my baby who is 12 months old? Whether it be breastfeeding or an infant formula, questions will always arise. As a caregiver it is important to understand the myths and test your knowledge on this subject with these three busters before you google how to transition from breastmilk to formula.

Myth 1: If a parent wants to transition away from breastfeeding at six months of age, their child will starve!

Fact: A breastfed baby may not get enough milk to be satisfied at six months old. Especially if their stomach isn’t big enough to take in a lot of milk at once. At this age many parents will try giving their baby water, juice or another supplement because they feel something is missing from their diet.

Myth 2: Babies who are exclusively breastfed will become dependent on the comfort of feeding and therefore won’t want to try other foods if introduced too young!

Fact: Once a child is one year old the majority of babies have lost their need for breastfeeding as a source of comfort and now they only just continue to feed because they like it and can get more nutrients out of it than any other food.

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Myth 3: Babies who are breast or formula fed don’t need to be introduced to solids until they are 4-6 months old.

Fact: The World Health Organization recommends that babies should be introduced to solids when they are 6 months old and that the best time for this is between 6 and 8 months old. This is because some nutrients a baby needs have not developed yet in their body at this age and solid foods provide these nutrients.

Myth 4: Babies who are formula fed need to have their stomachs washed out before breastfeeding, otherwise they will ‘load up’ with formula!

Fact: Babies who are breastfed do not need to have their stomachs washed out because there is no formula in their bodies. Formula babies only need to be given breastmilk in the bottle or breastfeed because they don’t yet have the antibodies that protect them from viruses.

Myth 5: Breastfeeding just wasn’t right for my baby and we should move on to infant organic formula.

Fact: It is not right for any child or family to feel forced into an unnatural diet based on opinions or another person’s needs. Parents often feel that they have to start formula feeding if their baby isn’t getting enough breastmilk and is hungry all the time. Parents should be able to trust that breastmilk is enough. It has everything a baby needs.

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Myth 6: All formulas are the same.

Fact: There are different types of infant formulas available and each one will address specific nutritional needs in a child’s body as well as lactose intolerance that may occur in some children. Some formulas are designed for infants who have allergies as well as for parents who choose to not breastfeed their babies, or have problems breastfeeding their babies (this does not include supply problems but rather physical issues).


There, you have it! It is important for parents to realise that breastfeeding is possible for all babies. They can opt for breastfeeding or formula feeding with little to no risk to their child’s health.