“Matthew Gross Net Worth: The Surprising Fortune of a Startup Pioneer”


Matthew Gross is a successful startup pioneer who made a fortune by founding tech companies. He has become one of the most successful names in the industry, with a net worth that is truly surprising. From his humble beginnings in the world of technology, he has risen to become a leading figure in the field, with contributions that will continue to shape the future of technology.

Who is Matthew Gross?

Matthew Gross is a renowned technology entrepreneur and investor with a net worth of over $200 million. Gross began his career at a young age, becoming involved in technology startups during the early days of the internet. He has played prominent roles in a number of successful ventures, including his latest, a pioneering nonprofit that uses technology to improve the lives of people in underserved communities.

How did he build his fortune?

Matthew Gross started his career as a consultant for Accenture, a global technology consulting firm. He quickly gravitated towards entrepreneurship and started a number of successful startups, including his most successful venture, Newsela. Newsela is an educational technology platform meant to enhance reading comprehension and learning for students. It has played a big role in the EdTech world and has raised over $27 million in venture funding. He has also invested in a number of successful startups, such as ClassPass and Codecademy.

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Newsela’s Success

Newsela is an advanced EdTech platform that helps improve the reading comprehension skills of students across the globe. The innovative site has been recognized for its creative approach to teaching, which enables students to read articles at their own level. Newsela has made a considerable impact in the EdTech industry, and has been put to use in thousands of schools worldwide.

Investment success

Matthew Gross has not only been successful with his own ventures but has also been heavily involved in investing in other technology startups. Gross has invested in a variety of burgeoning tech companies including video game maker Discord and Vroom, a used-car e-commerce platform. Through his investment, Gross has fuelled the growth of these companies and helped in shaping the technology landscape of today.


Matthew Gross is not only interested in making money through his venture capitalist investments, but he has a desire to help those who are less fortunate as well. He currently serves as the founder and CEO of the venture philanthropy firm, Newsela, which aims to identify organizations that are using technology to improve the quality of life of people from the marginalized communities.


Q: What companies has Matthew Gross invested in?
A: As an investor, Matthew Gross has been involved in several tech startups, including Codecademy, Discord, Newsela, and Vroom.

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Q: What is Matthew Gross’s net worth?
A: Matthew Gross has a net worth of more than $200 million.

Q: What is Newsela?
A: Newsela is an educational technology platform that aims to improve reading comprehension and learning for students.

Q: What is venture philanthropy?
A: Venture philanthropy is an approach in which philanthropists apply the principles of venture capital to philanthropic and social endeavors.

Q: What does Matthew Gross aim to achieve through Newsela?
A: Matthew Gross and his team hope to use technology to improve the quality of life for underserved communities.

Q: What is EdTech?
A: EdTech refers to the use of technology to improve or enhance education.

Q: What is Matthew Gross’s most successful venture?
A: Matthew Gross’s most successful venture to date is Newsela.


Matthew Gross is a trailblazer in the world of technology who has set the standard for new entrepreneurs. Through his successful ventures, investments, philanthropy, and Newsela, he has positively impacted the lives of individuals and communities across the globe. His success is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to stay ahead of the curve. With big ideas and a relentless spirit, he has become a true pioneer in the tech industry.

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