How Can Dictation words Improve Your Spelling 

Dictation is an excellent tool to teach spelling as it lets children use their skills of spelling in the context of a “real world” application. Simply, you speak the phrase or sentence with the spelling words of your students, repeat the phrase and note it down.

Since it’s an effective tool, spelling dictation has been part of every lesson in All About Spelling. Dictionaries can help writers write dictation words in less time. Make use of the nine dictation strategies in this article to enhance your efficiency.

Today, dictation is an integral part of my writing process. I outline writing in advance by using bullet points on index cards , or using writing software.


How Can Dictation Improve Your Child’s Spelling?

One of the major issues in the traditional spelling curriculum is that children learn the words on the list, but frequently do not remember how to spell them the next week, which is a huge disappointment. However, one of the most effective methods of making new information “stick” is to use it in a meaningful manner for example, by creating sentences.

When you’re just beginning to learn the art of spelling, creating good, original sentences can be a challenge! When you dictate a sentence to children, they’re dissociating the creativity process from the spelling by creating a bridge in between “writing words on a list” and “writing original sentences.”

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Why Learn To Dictate?


A higher daily word count is one of the main benefits of the use of dictation. Most writers need up to an hour or more to type two thousand words using typing. If you have a well-constructed outline, you can write that amount in 10 minutes. Keep writing and the gains will increase as time passes.

It is also more healthy than writing at the desk. You can take a phone along with your notes to walk around and write as you walk. It’s a great idea when you are regularly reading from spelling sites like to learn in advance. This method of working allows you to think differently and be creative.

Tips To Learn Dictation


  1. Practice With Free Software

Apple, Android, Google along with Microsoft Word all have free transcription options. There are apps that work with Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers. There’s even voice recognition within Google Docs.

Choose your preferred platform and the voice recognition features Try them out. This gives you the opportunity to practice the art of dictation.


  1. Learn Basic Dictation Commands

One of the tricks to making audio files documents is to add formatting. What does your dictation software be aware of the need to insert the comma here, or quotation marks elsewhere? Voice commands instruct it on what to do. You can also learn basic by reading dictation for class 9, class 10 etc.Here are some examples:

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New Line. This instructs the system to create a brand new line, similar to pressing Enter key.

Punctuation. If you have to add an exclamation point or question mark, a semicolon, or comma, just use “period” or “comma” whenever you require one.

Quote That. This command inserts quotation marks in front of and after what you’ve just said.

Comma. This command inserts an apostrophe. The best dictation software will generally insert the apostrophe for you automatically.

Hyphenate That. Like Quote That the command adds a hyphen to the words that were said in the end.

Numeral. It allows for the display of numbers in numeral format rather than text format.

Cap. Make this statement before any word in order to capitalize that word to capitalize that.


  1. Outline In Advance

Make a habit of planning what you’re planning to say prior to uttering it. It’s simpler if you know what your book chapter or article will be vaguely about prior to writing it.

It is possible to create an outline with the bullet-point list. You can also make a mind map. Whatever method you decide to use, be sure to keep your outline handy to be able to look at it while you speak.


  1. Use Voice Recognition For First Drafts Only

Software for voice recognition can save you time and energy when writing an initial draft. Utilize it to help you get your thoughts on paper. It allows you to put words onto the screen quickly before making edits to improve clarity later. If you’re not familiar with dictation commands , and using high-end software, it’s generally simpler to edit using the keyboard.

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When you incorporate voice recognition into your workflow, you’ll be able to perform more efficiently. But, you must ensure that you proofread and edit your content carefully. It may require polishing.


  1. Use Placeholder Words

Aplaceholder word can be used to replace tricky names and phrases that software for dictation misses often.


My daughter, for instance, has the traditional Irish name. Whatever I’ve tried, it’s impossible to get Dragon’s vocabulary to recognize her name. I’ve tried spelling out the name and a few other tricks and tricks however Dragon persists in mumbling it.

Now, whenever I write an entry for my journal and I mention her name, I use a placeholder word which Dragon recognizes.

For example, I’ll refer to her as “Sarah” or I call her “my daughter”.

When I edit the journal, I conduct a Google search for “Sarah” and replace the word with my child’s. In the case of writing fiction using speech-to-text transcription software, you can employ this method for your characters.

  1. Don’t Worry About Formatting

I generally don’t bother with adding italics, bold , or any other styles of formatting while writing. It’s simpler and faster to do this in your editing or publishing processes. Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to explain the things I’ve stated. But, I do prefer bullet points because it’s simple enough to write these.

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Final Word

It takes time to master the art of dictation however, an audio recorder that can transcribe your work could reduce writing time. If you purchase the right headset and voice-to text software Anywhere You can cut out the need to pay for transcription services, or writing with pain.