“The Incredible Wealth of Michael Gross: Discover the Net Worth of the Iconic Actor”


Michael Gross is a legendary figure in the entertainment industry, known for his iconic roles in movies and TV shows. His talent and memorable performances have earned him a dedicated fan base and accolades from his peers. But beyond his fame and recognition, Michael Gross is also incredibly wealthy. In this blog post, we will explore the net worth of Michael Gross, the source of his wealth, and some interesting facts about this remarkable actor.

Who is Michael Gross?

Michael Gross was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1947. He grew up in a family of artists, with his mother being a writer and his father a steel mill worker and painter. Despite initially pursuing a career in law, Michael eventually found his true calling in acting. He began his career in theater before transitioning to screen roles, where he became a household name.

The Net Worth of Michael Gross

Michael Gross’s net worth is estimated at $10 million. This impressive wealth has come from his successful career in acting, spanning over four decades. He has acted in many blockbuster movies, including Tremors, The River Wild, and Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story. Besides his movie career, Michael has also starred in popular TV shows such as Family Ties, ER, and Suits.

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The Source of Michael Gross’s Wealth

Most of Michael Gross’s wealth comes from his movie and TV appearances. He has earned millions from acting royalties, as well as brand endorsements and commercial work. Besides acting, Michael Gross has also worked as a voice actor, contributing his voice to animated movies and TV series.

Interesting Facts About Michael Gross

Here are some fascinating facts about Michael Gross that you may not have known:

– Michael Gross was initially set to appear in Back to the Future as the dad, but the role eventually went to Crispin Glover.

– Michael Gross has played a father in several different movies and TV shows, including Family Ties, The Drew Carey Show, and How I Met Your Mother.

– One of Michael Gross’s biggest box-office hits was Tremors, a horror film about giant underground worms. He has played the role of Burt Gummer in six Tremors movies.

– Michael Gross has a passion for nature and wildlife conservation. He supports several wildlife and environmental organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund.

– In 2016, Michael Gross was inducted into the Walk of Fame in Tuba City, Arizona, where he grew up.


1. What is Michael Gross’s net worth?

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Michael Gross’s net worth is estimated at $10 million.

2. Where does Michael Gross’s wealth come from?

Most of Michael Gross’s wealth comes from his acting roles in movies and TV shows.

3. What is Michael Gross’s most well-known role?

Michael Gross is perhaps best known for his role as Steven Keaton on the TV show Family Ties.

4. Has Michael Gross won any awards for his acting?

While Michael Gross has not won any major acting awards, he has been nominated for several awards throughout his career.

5. Does Michael Gross have any other talents besides acting?

Besides acting, Michael Gross is also a talented musician and painter.

6. Is Michael Gross married?

Yes, Michael Gross has been married to his wife Elza Bergeron since 1984.

7. What is Michael Gross’s favorite type of movie to act in?

Michael Gross has stated that he enjoys acting in horror and thriller movies because they involve a lot of physical action and excitement.


Michael Gross is a legendary actor who has brought joy and entertainment to millions of people worldwide. His impressive net worth is a testament to his successful career in acting, which has spanned over four decades. From iconic TV shows like Family Ties to blockbuster movies like Tremors, Michael Gross has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Despite his success, Michael Gross remains down-to-earth and dedicated to his craft. We hope you enjoyed learning more about this incredible actor! If you have any other interesting facts about Michael Gross to share, feel free to leave a comment below.

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