How To Promote Your YouTube Channel And Videos

Handling over 1.9 billion monthly active users, YouTube is the second most popular website on the internet. You must know how to use it as a digital marketer. But how do you make use of this rapidly expanding platform? However, advertising isn’t the only option for promoting your channel. We’ve compiled a list of our top YouTube optimization tips and hacks. Simple, practical, and most importantly, accessible. Read on.


1.YouTube SEO


SEO is the quickest and most cost-effective method of promoting your YouTube channel. Besides being a video-based social networking platform, YouTube is also the second-largest search engine globally, with billions of searches taking place on the platform each month. Make sure you’re utilizing the proper keywords in your headlines, descriptions, and tags on YouTube to ensure that your material is found.

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  1. Keywords and titles


Start with your theme to locate the perfect keywords for your YouTube content. You may utilize the autosuggest feature in YouTube’s search bar to help you narrow down your keyword selections. These tools can help you identify keywords that your target audience is searching for to generate and optimize content that is relevant for them and their interests to get more traffic.


Use your keyword in your video’s title as early as possible after deciding on your target keyword. If you need the audience to watch your video, they’ll first notice the title, so make sure it’s exciting and includes your keyword naturally. It would help if you knew Google would automatically condense your video’s title to 66 characters in search results, so it’s ideal to use a title inside that restriction.

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  1. Find out what your target audience needs.


You want to make sure that the material you create is in line with your audience’s expectations. Begin by figuring out who your audience is and what type of material they’d want to see from you before putting your ideas into action.


Start by looking at your competitors or other video makers in your sector to see how they advertise YouTube channels. Please look at the most popular and well-received videos on their channel. This will give you a better understanding of what your audience is interested in and what videos they like.

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  1. Create a broad YouTube community


Diving yourself as a pro in your field and sector is one of the many advantages of having a YouTube channel. As word spreads about your expertise, people will begin to seek you out. By forming a community, you can keep people interested in what you have to say. It’s easy to grow a following on YouTube. Engaging with your viewers when they comment on your videos, offering additional relevant material, and always bringing value to their lives is a terrific approach for you to get started in this field. On the platform, you may even create a section for the community.

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  1. Collaboration with other YouTubers


Enlist the help of other artists. Cross-promotion is an excellent strategy for rapidly expanding your target audience. The process is straightforward. When a creative with a comparable audience (but maybe different material) endorses your work, you have instant social proof. It persuades their viewers to take a closer look at you.


The best way to identify possible collaborators is to search for channels that share your interests:


  • If you’re trying to work with a channel that has ten times as many subscribers as you do, your odds of success are slim. If not, you’ll need to provide them with something else of worth.
  • Viewer Interests and Other Channels: You can see what your viewers are interested in and what other channels they watch. You can find some fascinating creators to work with within the comments part of your blog post, as well.
  1. Promote on social media platforms


It doesn’t matter how many followers and friends you have; you can still get your videos noticed. After publishing a video within the first 24 hours, I coordinated the updates with my friends and family. The first few hours after a video’s publication determine its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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If you’re looking for a long-term strategy, you may also try contacting websites that have incorporated videos comparable to yours in their content. It doesn’t matter if a website has already written about a topic; you can still reach out to them and explain how your video enhances their content. As a result, they are spending more time on the page.


  1. Invest in standalone videos


You might get a couple of hours of watch time if you make a great standalone video. Creating a series, on the other hand, encourages binge-watching. The first step is to select a topic that resonates with your target audience.” Alternatively, you can look at your YouTube Analytics to get the same information. You may also utilize keyword research tools to find relevant keywords.


Once you’ve settled on a topic, you’re ready to write an engaging series script. To generate the series, you must first practice and refine your performance. By releasing a few trailers before the video releases, you can build anticipation.