Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts

8 Devilishly Effective Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts

Admit it.

You are disappointed with the results of your blog posts. No matter how hard you tear yourself up, do all you can … there are as many people on your items as in an airport during a coronavirus period.

Zero shares, zero comments, a few views on your Google Analytics account (probably yours and your mom’s), and no sales.

The reason is simple: your articles are hollow and bland

They lack that little spark that makes all the difference. 

Imagine your readers asking you for permission to share your articles. As was the case with an article I wrote recently:

Or that your articles be shared in large Facebook groups related to your theme. As was the case with another of my articles;

My name is Alex Musk, and I am a freelance web-writer that turned professional insurance blogger.

In this article, we will see together 8 formidable tips to boost the quality of your blog articles.

So that they attract comments, shares, and visitors like a magnet!

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Tip # 1: Give at least one piece of advice that has never been seen elsewhere 

The truth is cruel: if your articles are not shared, it is probably because they contain the same advice, tips, techniques, strategies … which have already been seen 100 times elsewhere! 

Nobody wants to share articles full of trivialities …

That is why you should always include at least one unique element in your articles. 

Something new, which has never been seen elsewhere.

Say you write an article that gives 10 tips for running a marathon. And you give the following advice:

  • Have a training schedule
  • Warm-up well before each training or competition
  • Buy a good pair of shoes
  • Sleep well and eat healthy to avoid injury
  • Stay motivated 

These tips are extremely trivial advice… And if your article is filled with only this type of advice, it is unlikely to be liked and shared.

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 Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts

But if for example, you recommend to your reader a training plan over 20 weeks, with 3 training sessions per week, a rest day between each training, distances and intensities which differ and which vary according to the training period … 

Or a diet composed of 70% carbohydrates …

Or even drink at least 2 liters of water a day and check your hydration every day by checking that your urine is clear enough …

Immediately, it is not the same thing! These are much more precise and original advice.

Of course, it’s hard to just give advice that has never been seen elsewhere.

But every one of your blog posts should contain at least one truly original tip.

This is for example what I did in one of my articles on my blog for students. In this article, I give 5 tips to help students review their exams well.

Some advice is fairly trivial: for example, I advise students to make a planning of revisions and to choose a suitable place to revise with concentration and efficiency.

But that’s not all. I also recommend to students a memorization method that I used during my studies: the method of successive layers. 

I will skip the details, but this is an original method, which nobody else talks about in the topic of law studies.

This is what makes my article unique. And that’s what explains why this article appealed to my readers. 

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Tip # 3: Popularize

A good blog post is easy to read and understand.

It’s very counterintuitive. School taught us to make complex sentences and to use learned words. She has trained us to flaunt our science when we know things about a subject.

But your readers don’t care about your science. They don’t care how much knowledge you have. 

If they read your articles, it’s so that you help them get from point A to point B.

To understand what they cannot understand …

Expertise and credibility are important factors. But your pedagogy is even more so. 

 Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts

This is what will make people want to go further with you, and possibly buy your products.

For example, I told you that I wrote an article on SEO.

It is a complex, technical subject, with its jargon.

At the time of this writing, I have been practicing SEO on my site for students for 3 years. It has become a passion, and I can safely say that I have learned a lot in this area. 

So I could easily have adopted the jargon of the perfect SEO and lost myself in technical details, such as:\

One of the pillars of off-page SEO is getting backlinks. But not all backlinks are created equal. Unlike nofollow backlinks, dofollow backlinks send link juice and increase your domain authority, which results in better positions in the SERPs.

Didn’t you understand anything? If you don’t know much about SEO, that’s okay. 

And if you read an article full of sentences like this, you would probably close it quickly, before you have a headache.

So this is not at all the approach I adopted for this article and my blogs in general. In each article, I try to popularize as much as possible.

Here is for example what I say about backlinks in my article on SEO:

Backlinks are the links from other sites that point to your site.

Google adoooooooore them ..

The backlinks are in a way the votes of other players in your theme to say that your content is of quality.

The more backlinks your site receives, the more credibility Google will give you … and return it to you in the rankings.

You see: I don’t get lost in technical jargon. On the contrary, I make the effort to use simple words, which can be understood by everyone.

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Tip # 4: use analogies

Analogies are a formidable weapon to convey your ideas with more force. And they also have the power to tape your readers to their screens.

An analogy is a comparison, a correspondence between two things of a different nature but which have similarities, points in common. 

A master in the field is none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Not without laughing, the guy is talented. You’ll see.

You may not know it, but Schwarzenegger is one of the spearheads in the fight against global warming and a big advocate of renewable energies.

A few years ago, he published a post on his social networks in which he addressed climate skeptics.

And his post is… very convincing! 

So much so that any sane person can only admit that their arguments make sense.

What tool did Schwarzenegger use to make his post compelling? 

Analogies, of course.

First, here is what he says to demonstrate that fossil fuels are a thing of the past:

I want a plan. I don’t want to be like the last horse seller who stood firm as cars took over the roads. I don’t want to be the last investor in a blockbuster as Netflix emerges.

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He compares fossil fuels:

  • to horses that have gradually disappeared from the roads in favor of cars
  • to movies at the time of the tidal wave Netflix

And then, the highlight of the show:

I have one last question, and it will take a little imagination.

There are two doors. Behind the first door, there is a completely closed room, with a normal gasoline car. Behind the second door, there is an identical room, completely closed, with an electric car. Both engines are running at full speed.

I want you to choose a door to open, walk into the room, and close the door behind you. You must stay in the room you have chosen for an hour. You cannot turn off the engine. You won’t have a gas mask.

I guess you go for door number two, with the electric car, right? The first gate is a deadly choice – who would want to breathe these fumes?

This is the choice the world is making right now.

The kind of analogies that puts a good slap, and which makes it possible to awaken the conscience.

But beyond that, analogies can also help you popularize your words. To give more clarity to your explanations and your ideas. 

For example, in my article on SEO, I wanted to explain that a key to attracting traffic is targeting noncompetitive keywords because most keywords are trusted by large sites, which have good results. seniority and trust of Google.

How to explain that a small site does not have to fight head-on with the big sites? I used an analogy. This is what I say in my article:

Google is a bit like an ocean!

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In this ocean there are:

  • whales: these are the huge sites, like Wikipedia, Hub Pages, etc…
  • sperm whales: these are the big sites
  • big fish: these are the medium-sized sites

You, when you start your site, you are… a phytoplankton p *****!

And if you target keywords on which big sites are positioned, it’s a little like phytoplankton fighting a duel against a whale! Your chances of beating these sites are low …

Admit that it is immediately clearer ?

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Tip # 5: Use Influencing Words

If your articles are not having the success you hope for, it may be because you are not using enough powerful, influential words.

Anglo-Saxons asked them power words.

Power words are persuasive words that trigger emotions in the reader.

Here are some examples:

  • unbelievable
  • controversial
  • extraordinary
  • unrecognized
  • myth
  • secret
  • not allowed
  • new
  • fast 
  • double
  • magnetic
  • captivating
  • hypnotic
  • fascinating
  • spectacular
  • sensational
  • brutal
  • bomb
  • mistake
  • destroy
  • explode
  • devastate
  • jail
  • cataclysm
  • victory

You see: these words bring the punch. It’s dynamite for your articles.

By the way, if the article you’re reading is titled “8 Devilishly Effective Tips For Writing Better Blog Posts“, it’s not for nothing.

I could have called it “8 tips for writing great blog posts.” But I have included influencing words in it to make it more attractive.

WordPress Hosting: The Honest and Brutal Guide (That Will Save You Money)

And the beginning of his article as follows:

It’s painful to say, but …

Most of what is posted on WordPress hosting is big m….

It’s not just incomplete information. Not just half-truths.

I am talking about outright lies and scams.

You see it: brutal, painful, lies, scams …

Jon Morrow uses a whole bunch of influencing words to make his speech more impactful.

His blog posts are rife with it.

And surprise … 

His blog is a huge success in the United States, with hundreds of thousands of readers, and over $ 100,000 in sales each month.

And his writing style, very energetic, is undoubtedly no stranger to it …

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Tip # 6: Give personal examples

Want to know what makes a great blog post different from all the boat posts on the internet?

The examples. And in particular, the examples are drawn from your personal experience.

What do the majority of bloggers do when they write an article?

They open Google, look at the first 3 or 4 articles on the subject… and just regurgitate what they read in their article. 

They take a part of that, an idea of ​​it… rephrase the words and… tadaaaa!

They get an article with no soul and no personality. As we find an astronomical quantity on the web.

The only thing they can’t copy is the examples. Because it would be too toasty.

This is why most articles are sorely lacking in examples. And that those who have it immediately stand out in the eyes of readers.

For example, my SEO article contains not only tips for attracting visitors, but also several examples from my experience. 

In particular, I explain how I managed to get backlinks from huge sites for free. 

These kinds of examples make you real in the eyes of your readers and raise your credibility.

So whenever you can, give examples from your personal experience.

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Tip # 7: Emphasize the visual

Unless you live in a cave, you know that most internet users don’t read blog posts verbatim.

And I bet you do the same …

When you come to an article, do you start reading the introduction wisely? Can you attack the body of the article in a linear fashion?

I do not think so. In fact, before reading it, you scan the article. 

You look at the subtitles, the words in bold… And sometimes, you stop on an image.

The majority of Internet users do the same. And that’s exactly why you need to include visuals in your article.

The visuals attract attention. They make it possible to catch the reader before he clicks on the small cross at the top right of his screen.

I advise you to adopt a simple rule: whenever you can illustrate your words with a visual, do it.

For example, my SEO article has 45 visuals.

And my article on selling ebooks has 46.

There are images, screenshots, video, GIFS, quote blocks, etc.

Like images, notification boxes are a great way to spice up your content.

You can also add tables and charts. Brian Dean, from the famous American blog Backlinko, does it all the time. 

Each of his articles contains graphics that he creates himself or that he has produced by his team.

Always with the idea of ​​making life easier for your readers, your articles should be structured with clearly visible subheadings.

Likewise, ventilate your articles and favor short paragraphs.

Wikipedia can afford it, but you can’t ?

Tip # 8: Write Comprehensive Guides

Have you ever written a 3000-word article?

Or 5,000 or even 7,000 words?

You might think it’s no good that no one reads such long articles.

And this is partly true. If you publish a very long article, a good portion of your visitors will not read it.

Except … those who read it to the end will have a good chance of being impressed. For finding your article interesting and useful.

If you’re making a call to action to get your readers to share your article, then it’s likely that they will.

In the end, long articles are less

s often read to the end. But the percentage of readers who share these articles is much higher.

Thus, according to a study by Moz, the longer an article, the more shares it gets on social networks. In particular, articles over 3000 words get significantly more shares than others.

Likewise, Buzzsumo analyzed the articles published on the BuzzFeed and The Guardian sites. And again, their research leaves no room for doubt. Articles longer than 3000 words perform much better than shorter articles.

My personal experience confirms to me that these studies are indeed relevant. On Free Blogger, the two articles that have been shared the most at the time of this writing are very long.

If these articles have been shared a lot, it is in good part because they are complete guides, from A to Z. 

Which brought me many visitors.

In my opinion, there is another reason which explains the success of these two articles.

They are step-by-step guides.

In my personal experience, step-by-step guides are the articles that have the greatest perceived value in the eyes of readers (simply because they offer more value).

Think about it: Do you prefer to receive 10 tips for creating and selling an eBook?

Or a step-by-step guide, which explains how to go from point A (you have nothing) to point B (you have an ebook that sells)?

So do not hesitate to create real guides from A to Z. Because your readers will repay you.


There is one thing I would like to tell you to end this article.

Writing interesting blog posts is within the reach of everyone. 

Yes, it is within your reach!

Because it can be learned.

By taking inspiration from bloggers whose articles you find remarkable.

By reading a lot, by analyzing the style and the turns of phrase of the great authors. By asking yourself why they wrote such and such a sentence in such a way, and not another.

And by practicing.

I know that I am far from William Shakespeare. But I’ve been blogging for 3 years, and when I come back to my very first articles, I realize that I have improved a lot.

Now it’s your turn to Play ?


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