How do Provide emotional support to students?

Students of all ages need emotional support at all stages in their life. Every institution or school ERP should have a classroom that allows and promotes disciplined environments around students so that they can emotionally uplift and support them. However, we have been facing a problem doing that because of the digitalization of education. Instead of coming to classes every day, students log into a school information management system or learning management system and continue to sit in front of the screen for at least eight hours a day in the name of attending classes and studying.


Although a lot of screen time is bad, students can take steps to reduce this screen time because recent studies have found that it has been emotionally influencing the mental health of students for the worse. Once again, a school ERP can pitch in and provide them with the required emotional support.


Here is a detailed list of what the teachers should do to support students, and what they should avoid at all times;


Talk to them


Did you know that talking to your students is one of the easiest ways to understand what they have been up to lately? Sometimes the teachers cannot figure out why their progress has been falling constantly, or why one of the students has stopped responding in the classes. Talking to them at the end of every session, or once a week at the end of a class on Friday might clear all your doubts. Talking to students eases them up a little and they try to seek help from you as much as possible or trust you enough to portray their real emotions towards things. Once you understand, it will be easier for you to make the change in their environment.

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Get in touch with a professional


A school therapist or counselor must be present on the school grounds at all times to deal with any sudden outbursts of certain students. Mostly a school information management system maintains the complete secrecy of the students because the ones who are in the need of emotional support usually feel vulnerable about their situation.


Teachers should also make a point to experience how they can handle students by themselves and help them alongside the professionals. An educator should always remain in touch with the professional emotional support specialist instructor to keep tracking the emotional health of their students.



Teachers are expected to be prepared for every situation and with the answer to every question related to their area of expertise. Similarly, a class teacher should also try to support students by having a plan for every worst-case scenario. Whether it is a child having a breakdown, or an anxiety attack, teachers should know the basic methods of dealing with them.



  • Never hold any grudge against students who have acted unreasonably in a classroom out of their emotional turmoil. Teachers have to be mature people and understand whether a student must be punished for their behavior or they should seek to get some emotional help.
  • It is easy to manipulate students who urgently need emotional support. Hence, there will be bullies in the classroom who will try to manipulate them. Never hold yourself back from getting involved among student groups if you observe one of the bullyings the other.
  • Don’t be afraid of the plan you have prepared to help every student in the classroom in general, and some in particular. Some plans might not affect their progress as much, but with enough guidance from a professional, you will also be able to formulate the best plan that works for your students.
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Why value emotional health?


Good mental or emotional health is necessary for students to remain in the headspace where they can keep progressing and worry about skill development and the future rather than temporary situations which can upset them. Here are a few other benefits;


  • Students interact with each other and build relationships, good communication lines, and networks which can be necessary for the future.
  • Development of academic and other soft skills.
  • Research has found that students who are mentally in a good place have initiative and creativity.
  • Emotional intelligence is directly related to better growth in students memorizing, learning, and adapting capacity.