What is the difference and similarity in salary and job profile of RRB JE and SSC JE? 

The Railway Recruitment Board conducts the RRB JE exam to recruit Junior Engineers in the Indian Railways. The Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC JE exam to recruit Junior Engineers from all branches of engineering. These exams are crucial for aspirants wanting to secure prestigious government jobs.


However, before you sit for the exams or apply for the respective posts, you must know the similarities and differences in the RRB JE and SSC JE salaries and job profiles. This way it will be easier for you to evaluate which job suits you more. BYJU’s Exam Prep is a platform that provides the jobs’ information and requirements. It also offers apt guidance and study material to help you crack RRB JE and SSC JE.


What are the similarities and differences in salaries of RRB JE And SSC JE jobs?


Here are the similarities between both the jobs with respect to salary:

  1. The pay band of both the jobs are the same: Both RRB and SSC Junior Engineers have the same pay band. The pay band ranges from Rs. 35400 to Rs. 112400. Even the Grade Pay, that is, Rs. 42,00, is the same for both positions.
  2. Increase in salary after the 7th Pay Commission: After implementing the 7th Pay Commission, the wages of both RRB JE and SSC JE have increased considerably. As a result, both jobs’ monthly payments and allowances have seen a significant rise in the recent past.
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Differences Between Salaries with regard to RRB JE and SSC JE Jobs

In-hand salary :

The in-hand salary of an SSC Junior Engineer ranges from Rs. 29,455 to Rs. 33907. On the other hand, the in-hand salary of an RRB Junior Engineer in training is Rs. 35,400, and when recruited full time, the in-hand salary increases to Rs. 42,000.


What are the similarities and differences in the profiles of RRB JE And SSC JE jobs?


Similarities in the job profiles:
Assisting Seniors

The first and foremost feature of a Junior Engineer’s job is to assist his/her seniors. He/she also has to plan out the different projects undertaken by the organizations and take care of the finances of the respective departments. This feature is applicable for both RRB and SSC Junior Engineers.


Differences in the job profiles:

Roles and responsibilities: 

The expected roles and responsibilities of an RRB Junior Engineer are quite different from those of an SSC Junior Engineer. While the RRB Junior Engineer deals with the workings of the Railways and looks after the construction and maintenance of Railways, an SSC Junior Engineer has to work in several essential organizations like Military Engineering Services, Border Roads Organizations, etc. These engineers will also have to supervise projects related to these organizations. SSC JE deals with a lot of office work, while the RRB JE deals with fieldwork. The SSC Junior Engineers work in CPWD, Postal Departments, and MES. On the other hand, RRB Junior Engineers work in IT, P-Way Bridge, DMS, and CMA.

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Career growth

While both jobs are highly prestigious, a position in SSC will give Junior Engineers a bit more exposure than RRB. SSC Junior Engineers have a higher chance of getting more promotions than RRB Junior Engineers. Therefore, SSC Junior Engineers might have a slightly better career growth than RRB Junior Engineers.




Both RRB JE and SSC JE are equally important for an engineering graduate seeking a government job in the same field. Although the pay scale of the RRB JE post is a bit higher, you cannot ignore the benefits and the exposure of the SSC JE post. Therefore, you must aim to crack both exams. It would help determine which one is appropriate for you if you had proper guidance and awareness about the job profile and salaries of RRB JE and SSC JE.


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