How to improve memorizing skills: steps to follow 

The process of retention and remembering a piece of information successfully for a good long period are known as memorizing skills. The education system demands good retaining and memorizing skills from the students. To achieve high academic performance and other excellence in future careers, students should possess high memorizing skills. Especially the students pursuing higher studies, and competitive exams should have the ability to memorize better. There are many advantages of good memorizing skills such as good problem solving, analytical thinking, better grades in academics, clearing competitive exams, etc. Let us discuss some tips by which students can improve their memorizing skills and also how teachers can help them in this regard.

What can students do to improve their memorization skills : 3 tips 

  1. Often write down: only verbal means for memorizing. Along with vocal repetitions of learning, students should often write down the important topics they want to memorize. Writing practice helps students in many ways. Relating to the information becomes better as well as students can understand more properly while writing it down. If students want to memorize for a long period of time, write as much as possible. While listening to the teachers in the classroom, try to jot down and make notes of all the academic notes. These self-written notes help to comprehend and retain much better.
  2. Practice repetitive learning 
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Single-time learning is not enough to memorize and retain something for long. When we want to hold command of any of the life skills, regular practice and giving efforts are very important. After reading or learning a particular topic, take a break and re-read, relearn. Even if you feel confident about the learned topics, don’t forget to revise them as much as possible. Follow a timetable which gives you time to revise as well. Over-learning can be beneficial too. It refers to a process to achieve successful learning repetitions often. Read your textbooks often, solve different types of questions, exercises, read your notes repetitively, and be regular with all the learning material and resources available to you.

  1. Use audiovisuals 

Audios and visualization processes help students to understand better. With a better understanding of the topic, the comprehension and retaining process becomes easy for the learners. Often, when students don’t understand and simply try to learn the topics, doing this becomes complex and also is not effective. Using technical tools via a classroom app can be done by the students. Access educational videos, modules, attractive presentations, picture cards, audio lessons, online quizzes, and worksheets for better academic understanding. With the help of visual aids, the mind of the students captures the information better. Also, students can explore a lot more other data and knowledge available on the internet. This way memorization skills of the students will be improved.

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How teachers can help?

  1. Include reading 

Including reading practice by all the students in a classroom can be helpful to boost the memorization skills of the students. Reading plays an important role in boosting the learning capacity of the students. Focused reading helps to relate to and understand the academic subjects better. It also helps students to figure out what is important and must be learned from an exam point of view. What teachers should do is include turn-by-turn reading in the classes. Not only active participants but every student should be asked to read the topic being taught. One by one reading will make all students attentive and more engaged in learning. Effective classroom learning will automatically boost the memory skills of the learners.

  1. Ask students to take breaks  in between 

Continuously memorizing without any break in between is not a healthy practice. It not only leads to brain fatigue but also remembering and retaining information becomes difficult. Guiding students about the same can be helpful. While teaching and lecturing in the classroom, teachers should also give a five to ten minutes break to the students. This short break will be enough to rebuild their energy,  focus, concentration, and interest in the classes. By such classroom practices, students will learn the same for self-studies as well. Ask them to take short breaks while self-learning. Also, don’t forget to teach them time management. Long leisure breaks must be avoided. A short break for ten to fifteen minutes can also work.

  1. Inculcate technology 
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Teaching with the help of technology can help students to understand and comprehend information for a longer period. What and how a teacher teaches plays an important role in the learning process of the students. Only textbooks teaching cannot serve this purpose but using modern and advanced aids for teaching can help teachers to improve the memory power of the students. Accessing these aids via a classroom app is easy. Presentation, modules, picture cards, educational videos, animations, online quizzes, riddles, graphics, etc can help in this regard.


Remembering everyday tasks, a piece of speech for presentation, academic subjects, textbook definition, current affairs, a new language, and much more, good memorizing skills and remembering these tasks for long is important for their effective accomplishments. The rate of comprehending information becomes faster and better by following the right practices. The above-mentioned techniques can help students to retain information better. Also, we read some techniques which teachers can use to improve the memory skills of the learners.