Types Of Engaging Post Ideas For Facebook


Are you looking to create funny engaging post on Facebook?

If yes, then start creating internet Meme’s.

Meme’s fall under the category of fun and entertainment. They have the ability to ability to go viral on the internet and of course, on social media as well.

Infact, they are the most dominating type of content on social media. Today, when you login to your Facebook or Instagram account, you will encounter one or two meme every day.

Such meme produces high-arousal emotion with humans, and when it produces such emotion, it gets maximum shares, likes and comments.

Hence, creating one successful meme can help you go viral and create maximum engagement on Facebook.

  1. Motivational quotes

These are another type of post which brings massive engagement on Facebook.

Everyone loves motivation in fact, it is an important part of people’s lives. Motivation energizes people and gives them inspiration to do something great in their lives.

Infact, some people put motivational quotes as their Facebook display picture.

And guess what?


They receive good amount of likes and comments.

Here is a snapshot of one of my friends Facebook display pictures which got good amount of likes and comments.

Moreover, you can also post motivational quotes as your status or you can create a stunning photo with embedded quotes.

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Here is an example of both.


Educational content

Educational content performs exceptionally well across all the social media website.

People like to learn new things and expand their knowledge, but due to limited availability of time they cannot read a book or newspaper.

Hence, they follow some educational or fact based Facebook page which gives them knowledge and learning in minimal time.

Also there are some research which shows that people love content that expands their knowledge or educates them about particular product or services.

So, when you create such type of content on Facebook, it would surely catch massive eye-balls.

Moreover, educational content can also be used as engaging post for Facebook business page.


Unboxing videos

When it comes to creating best engaging Facebook post, how can we forget about videos, especially unboxing one’s. These types of videos are one of the most popular on Facebook.

People love watching someone unboxing a product and talking about its features and specification. Infact, such videos get thousands of views, likes and comments as well.

Such videos also educates the consumer about product or any services, hence they get maximum share as well.

Moreover, if you are product based business, you can also leverage the power of unboxing videos for educating your target audience about your product.

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Pro Tip: Create a YoTube Channel and start publishing videos there. Also, do some SEO and wait for the magic to happen.


You might be aware of 8Fact, a popular social media page which tell interesting facts about people, world and many other things. Their each post on Facebook and Instagram get 1000 likes and comments.

This simply means people love such type of post.

This type of posts come under the category of knowledge and education. Such post expands people’s knowledge and educates them in the shortest time possible.

And as I said above, people love educative and knowledge based content like hell.

So, even you can create a Facebook page about facts and start posting some content

Behind the scene

Won’t you love to see how your favourite product was made?

Of course, you would love to see it.

This is where behind the scene posts comes into play.

Behind the scene content shows how a particular product was made, what process was involved in making it and what ingredients and props were used it.

Such content makes the audience feel special by allowing them to understand how the actual product is made. Such content can also help you to build better trust and relation with the audience.

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When you share behind the scene content your audience many feel you are being genuine and transparent with them. This helps to build trust and credibility.

Moreover, such content also triggers actions like shares, comments and likes.

Product launches

Are you struggling to create engaging Facebook post for your business?

If yes, then create one product launch post.

The popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have made them important channel for businesses to launch a product.

Product launching campaign has a lot of potential to create buzz and engagement on social media. And that’s why brands are creating such campaign on Facebook, Instagram and other social media channels.

Launching a product on social media not only gives you massive engagement but it also attracts followers, make sales, increases reach and conversions.

So, if you are planning to launch a new product, social media can be a great place to launch it.

Offers and discounts

Everyone loves saving their money when they buy a new product or avail any services. Saving money on product purchase makes people happier than ever.

Hence, you can create an offer or a discount on social media with regards to your product. A lucrative offer and discount can attract a lot of eye-ball and induce your people to purchase your product.

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This increases your sales drastically.

Besides increasing sales, posts related to offers and discounts also has tremendous ability to trigger out action like shares, likes and comments.

Here is a post from “burger king” which got good amount of engagement on Facebook.

User generated content

If you are looking for a quick way to increase your Facebook engagement then start publishing user-generated content.

I won’t tell much about user generated content.

You just look at a few statistics below and decide on your own.

  • 56% of consumers want to UGC content from brands.
  • UGC video get 10x more views.
  • When consumers see UGC content along with brand’s content, engagement increases by 28%.
  • Consumers between the ages of 25-54 share UGC.

Hence, the above stats prove that UGC can help you to increase the engagement of your Facebook post.

Photography skills

Whether it’s a sunrise or sunset, a beautiful flowing waterfall, or a Bris Inflatable boat on the hillside, social media is a great place to share wonderful pictures of above said scenery.

If you look carefully, photographs like this drive a good amount of likes, shares and comments as well. It just pleases our eyes when we see beautiful pictures of scenery, landscape or any other such thing.

By looking at such beautiful pictures we develop a feeling of satisfaction within yourself

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In fact, I have personally noted that photos related to wildlife photography, street photography or any other kind of photography get more engagement as compared to normal photos.

Cool pictures of your’s

Showing up a cool picture of yours is also a great idea to create engagement and buzz on Facebook. In fact, it is one of the easiest way to generate engagement.

You just need a good camera, some decent clothes and wonderful background that supports your frame.

While clicking your photo keep following things in mind:

  • Make sure that you smile because, Nobody likes to see a sad face photo.
  • Click photo from a professional camera. It will give you a good look.
  • Keep your background image awesome like this.