How Do I Know If My SEO Company Is really working?

SEO businesses can use a wide range of different tactics to provide results for their clients. This guide explores how you can find out what strategies your SEO company is using and whether they are effective.

SEO marketing can be far more expansive and complex than many business owners realize. It’s easy to forget that SEO is an umbrella term that covers everything from social media management to content creation. That’s why when you hire an SEO company like AAM Consultants, you need to make sure that you understand what steps they are taking as part of your campaign strategy.

This is important as it will ensure that you are not in the hands of a business that is using black hat tactics to deliver the results. Black hat marketing solutions may provide short-term benefits but after a few months, you will see your ranking crash. You could even be hit with a Google penalty. Countless businesses trust an SEO agency and end up with an online brand identity that has been obliterated by black-hat SEO. So, how can you find out what tactics a business is using?


Ask Them

First, you might want to ask the company you are using about their marketing strategy. They should be forthcoming about this from day one. Indeed, this is a question that is worth keeping in mind before you commit to using the services of a particular business. The more detailed the response, the more reassured you should feel. Ideally, the best SEO company in Delhi will be able to provide you with a strategic plan that extends for several months and does tie into the deliverables that they pitched to you. A plan like this may also reference trending SEO strategies and the source where they formulated these strategies from.

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Look For Evidence

Of course, you shouldn’t just take a business at their word. Instead, you should make sure that you are checking for evidence of the type of campaigns that they complete. Typically, the best SEO companies will be able to provide you with a portfolio of case studies that you can peruse. These case studies should provide information about clients that they have helped in the business and crucially, the results that they experienced. Of course, even if you do find case studies like this, you should still do your own research. Case studies are always going to make bold claims about results. It’s always worth checking whether these are backed by facts. You can do this by researching the company referenced online. Are they still at the top of the SERPs and are they performing well with the keywords referenced?


Ask For Updates

You also need to make sure that you are asking for updates regularly. This is a very important process that will greatly benefit your company. The best companies won’t even need you to ask. Instead, they’ll just provide you with the regular updates that you want and always work to keep you in the loop.

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Two or three months into the contract you should have received at least several updates on progress. It’s worth pointing out that this doesn’t mean that you will have made significant progress. But, a business should have something to show for their time and your money.




If an SEO company is using great marketing tactics and strategies then they will always have recommendations for improvements in your campaign. This could include a new focus on social media channels or a content plan. This includes your social media marketing and all things taken care of how it works. The key thing is that they are presenting these ideas to you in ways that are understandable.


Signs Of Poor SEO Marketing

Finally, it’s worth being aware of the signs that a company is using poor SEO tactics. All of these things make a huge difference in your seo rankings. The most important thing is to avoid things that other companies are using. Which shows that the ranking of these companies is very weak. One example would be if you receive a manual penalty. A manual penalty will usually mean that some pages or content on your site have been identified as spam. If this does occur, then your ranking will be in serious jeopardy. Seeing your ranking drop could also be another sign that a company is using some poor marketing tactics that you would be better off avoiding. You should always keep an eye on your ranking when you use an SEO company to boost your campaign.

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As you can see, there are multiple tactics that you can explore to check what your SEO company is going to strengthen and support your marketing campaign. By exploring these possibilities, you can make sure that your strategy is on the right track and that you are working with a business that you can trust.