travel mobile app

How to develop applications, hybrid, natively or with the web? 

Developing a mobile application is definitely not a cheap affair. In addition, if you need an application for iOS, Android and Windows phone systems, you need to program it three times. The price increase is proportional to this. But it goes differently.

3 ways to develop mobile applications

There are currently three main smartphone platforms on the market, and a company that wants to cover the entire market must count on the development of a mobile application for all three. This can be done in several ways that have their pros and cons. These methods are:

  • development of native mobile applications (Java languages, ObjectiveC / Swift, C #),
  • hybrid application development (Ionic, React Native or Flutter frameworks),
  • with the help of mobile / responsive websites (HTML, CSS, Javascript).

Native development of mobile applications

Native application development consists of developing a mobile application for each of the platforms separately. This brings the greatest possibilities and performance, but also the greatest costs. If you want to develop a native mobile application for the three main platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), you need to get three different programming teams. Therefore, you will pay three times for the application and the price will be tripled every time the application is modified. Therefore, we recommend this method of development in iOS App Development Company in India only for performance-intensive applications.

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Hybrid development of mobile applications

Hybrid mobile applications use an instance of the installed browser along with native phone components such as menus, form fields, camera, Touch ID, etc. The strongest aspect of this type of development is its multiplatformity, you only need to develop one code (application) for all platforms. As a rule, this makes it possible to develop an application 2-3 times cheaper and faster than when developing classic native applications. Currently, the most used frameworks for creating hybrid applications are Angular’s Ionic, React Native or the new Flutter from Google.

Web development of mobile applications

The advantage of mobile web applications is the fact that you only need to create them once for all platforms. The mobile web application then works on all platforms as a customized web page. Unfortunately, you will pay for this with a lower possibility of cooperation with mobile device hardware and the inability to insert the application into platform stores (App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft Store).


Development with the help of React Native

React native app development company in India is currently the most advanced and special type of hybrid development. It therefore brings all the advantages of hybrid development, but corrects many of its disadvantages. The resulting application, unlike conventional hybrid applications, is smoother and loads much faster. React Native is directly connected to the native functions of the platform. This is then one of the many reasons why this framework is an intervention in black.

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The undeniable advantage of React Native is also the fact that behind it is a huge community of people who are constantly, quickly and efficiently working on more and more improvements to the framework. This also speeds up application development many times over, saves financial costs, but also reduces the error rate that can appear in the code during development.