7 Things to Have When Travelling Solo

Travelling solo can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. It’s a great way to meet new people, learn about new cultures and have an exciting adventure. But it can also be scary and dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are some things that you should always carry when travelling on your own:

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is an important part of any trip, as it can help you to recover from unfortunate events and unforeseen circumstances that may occur. This includes things like medical bills, lost luggage or damaged belongings due to theft or natural disaster. Firstly, you need to consider and compare travel insurance before purchasing one.

There are many types of travel insurance, but we will focus on the most popular: travel cancellation insurance, trip interruption coverage and medical/accident coverage. Each has its own benefits and limitations so it’s important to understand what each covers before purchasing a policy.

Travel cancellation insurance will reimburse your costs if you cancel your trip due to something unforeseen such as illness or injury; this type of policy is usually sold with other types of policies (ie car rental). Trip interruption coverage will reimburse some costs if you have to interrupt your travels due to an emergency situation such as severe weather conditions; this is usually sold separately from other policies (ie flight tickets). Medical/accident coverage helps pay for injuries sustained while travelling abroad; unlike other policies, this one typically only pays out once every 24 hours – meaning there are no limits on how much money they’ll cover upfront.

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Your favourite electronics and gadgets

When you travel, your electronics are your lifeline. You will want to pack:

  • Your phone, laptop and tablet
  • Your camera
  • Your Kindle (or whatever e-reader you like)
  • Portable gaming devices

Packing these essentials in addition to other electronics and gadgets is a great idea! You can bring it along.

First, your portable speakers connect via Bluetooth so you can listen to music or watch videos on the go. If you don’t have wireless speakers, don’t worry: if you’re staying at a hotel where there’s an AV system, they’ll probably have a cable adapter for converting it into an aux input so that’s another way to get sound from your devices into the room.

Second, a portable battery pack so that even if there isn’t any power available for charging up devices (such as during long flights), at least there will be enough juice stored up for emergencies later on during the trip when getting somewhere else still means being able to charge up phones/tablets etcetera.


A pocket knife or multi-tool

A pocket knife or multi-tool is a useful tool to have on hand. You never know when you might need it, and having one can be the difference between life and death in certain situations. For example, if you get lost in the woods and can’t start a fire for warmth because your matches are wet from rain or sweat, then having a pocket knife will allow you to make kindling from whatever sticks and branches are available to get your fire started. If there were ever an emergency situation in which you needed something sharp like a blade or scissors (such as if a wild animal attacks), then having one of these is going to come in handy as well.

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While some people prefer using their phones instead of carrying around something like this all day long, we recommend that everyone carry some sort of portable cutting tool with them at all times while travelling alone so that they’re prepared for anything that might happen along the way.

A small flashlight

As a solo traveller, you’re going to want to be prepared for any situation. In the event that you lose your way or get caught up in a storm, having a small flashlight is incredibly useful.

There are many types of torches available, from keychain-sized lights to larger headlamps and lanterns. Choose one that suits your needs based on how much power and light output you need for each situation.

To use: turn it on by flipping the switch (or pressing a button) located near where the batteries are stored; point at what or who you want to illuminate; turn it off when finished using.

Personal hygiene items

A toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, sanitary items (for ladies), shampoo, soap and a razor are some of the personal hygiene items you will need to have. A lotion or baby wipes can be used if needed as well.

Pain killers, bandages and other first aid supplies

Painkillers and bandages are key to having a good time. But don’t stop there. Band-Aids and gauze pads can only take you so far if something goes wrong while on the road. Make sure you have a first aid kit stocked with everything from antibiotic ointment to burn cream and Ibuprofen, in case of injury or illness.

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The best part about having all of these supplies is knowing how to use them effectively when the time comes. First aid kits should be stored somewhere easily accessible for quick first response, like in your glove compartment or even your purse (if it’s large enough). If you’re travelling by plane, make sure that your kit meets TSA regulations before heading out into the wild blue yonder.

Your passport, ID and other important documents

A passport is an important document that allows you to travel out of the country. Your passport is like a ticket that gives you permission to enter another country and stay there for a certain amount of time. It also identifies who you are. To make sure that the information on your passport is correct and that it is still valid, check its expiry date every few years or so when renewing your passport. If something happens to your passport while travelling abroad, then contact the nearest consulate general immediately so they can give instructions on what steps to take next.

Moreover, you need to keep photocopies of all essential documents such as passports (if applicable), return tickets/bookings, itineraries or reservation confirmation numbers etcetera just in case anything gets lost during the trip or if any emergencies arise unexpectedly which makes it necessary for them to contact their family members back home instead of trying desperately finding someone else willing enough at hand who might help them out at such times when help really matters most.

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Also some countries, such as Oman, need visas before visitors enter the country for longer than 14 days; visit this website to have further information on requirements.


Travelling solo is an amazing experience, but it can also be very dangerous. Having these things will help you feel more secure and prepared when you’re on the road. It’s recommended that everyone has these items in case they are ever stranded somewhere without access to power or water, so why not start today?