White Link Building Methods: Easy Recommendations for All Entrepreneurs

A link building strategy depends on the niche of the project, budget, timing, competitor strategies. Link building methods remain unchanged, and understanding their nature and peculiarities affects the creation of any strategy.


The primary questions a linkbuilder should answer:

  • What kind of links to get.
  • What sources should be used.
  • What is the best way to get a particular link.


Depending on the chosen method and source, one method or a combination of methods is used.

Crowd Marketing

Crowd marketing is a method of link building on blogs, forums, and Q&A sites by building profiles and communicating with your audience.


This is what makes it interesting because it performs several functions at once:

  • Dilutes the link profile of the site.
  • Attracts traffic.
  • Improves site behavioral factors.
  • Increases audience loyalty, brand recognition and company reputation.


Crowdlinks are effective and conditionally free, so they are actively used. For example, the popular sites Quora and Reddit are must-haves for link builders who want to promote both a gambling website, like Betamo, and a crypto exchange.


Crowdlinks can be obtained either independently or outsource the task of maintaining this area. Thus, there are services that are engaged in mining crowdsourced links professionally.


However, if crowdfunding isn’t used only for the sake of links but also as part of a marketing strategy, it’s better to hire a separate specialist who will manage the profiles on the sites and communicate with the audience on a regular basis.

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The methods are called conditionally free because in any case, it’s an expenditure of time and effort. They become fee-based if you hire a specialist to perform these tasks, as well as when you use paid services and tools required in the linkbuilder


The essence of the method is to register in all kinds of directories, review sites, directories, social networks and other resources.


Quality submits will not only help to increase the link profile of the site and increase the credibility of the resource but also increase brand awareness.

As with crowdsourced links, this method is conditionally free.


Working with submits is implemented in different ways, from simple ways to complex ones.


For example, it is possible to create empty profiles with a link to the promoted site or one-time material for link mining. Or you can use submits as part of a full-fledged marketing strategy:

  • Promoting companies, products, brands on social networks is done by SMM specialists.
  • YouTube acts as an independent platform for attracting an audience.
  • Work with feedback and objections on review sites influences the loyalty of the audience and improves the product as a whole.
  • Audio podcasts increase in popularity and begin to be of value for the promotion of the business as a whole.
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Outreach is a method of link building in which links to trusted resources are placed thanks to direct agreements with the owners of such resources.


Some experts define outreach as a conditionally free method of getting links. However, it’s one of the most expensive methods, especially in the Western market: it includes the cost of email marketing services, specialists and quality content.


Content for outreach is a special expense item because it should be unique, interesting for users, and useful for a long time after publication.


Despite the costs, this method is one of the most effective – the quality of links is much higher than crowds, submits, and purchased links.


Stages of quality outreach:

  1. Selection of suitable sites.
  2. Creating a quality email list of trusted resources.
  3. Control over email, working to improve its effectiveness.
  4. Communication with site owners, bloggers, journalists by building a chain of outreach letters.
  5. Creating and publishing content with a link to the promoted resource.


From correctly structured communication with the owners of trust resources depends half of the success. Writing a letter that they will want to open, read and respond to, especially in a highly competitive environment, can be called a separate art form. In addition to understanding the methodology of composing such letters, this kind of work requires copywriting skills.

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What should be taken into account when creating a mailing list template:

  • Personalize the subject line and the address in the letter. Addressing by name isn’t only a rule of etiquette but also a demonstration of respect for the interlocutor.
  • Be polite. If the letter contains only dry demands, it is highly likely to end up in the trash.
  • Show interest. Show that you are familiar with the resource, you are interested in the publications, you can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the content on the resource.
  • Show value to the resource. Demonstrate expertise, offer suitable materials, show interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • Avoid spelling, lexical and punctuation errors. This is an obvious rule that many people nevertheless forget.


If an email newsletter template is poorly prepared, it’s likely that such emails will remain unread and thousands of dollars will be wasted on the relevant services.